

05/06/2024: ExoDS: a versatile exosome-based drug delivery platform to target cancer cells and cancer stem cells
11/04/2024: Nanog promotes FoxP3 expression in breast cancer stem cell that can be attenuated by aspirin treatment
01/10/2023: 678P ExoDS: A bioengineered exosome-based capsule for targeted delivery of chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells and cancer stem cells

Our Abstract and Poster for ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2023 titled "ExoDS: A bioengineered exosome-based capsule for targeted delivery of chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells and cancer stem cells" has been published in Annals of Oncology.

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26/05/2023: Neutrophils in Cancer and Potential Therapeutic Strategies Using Neutrophil-Derived Exosomest
27/11/2022: Exosome-based cancer stem cell communication: Implication for detecting and eliminating cancer stem cells
04/08/2022: Advancement in exosome-based cancer therapeutics: A new era in cancer treatment